Episode 8: ​Inside Rex Smith's Multifaceted Career

In this episode, Eve Richards, the host of The Discovery Pod With Eve, and Melissa Niece Smith, the co-host for this episode, are joined by Rex Smith, a well-known American actor, singer, and artist. With his charm and many talents, he has won the hearts of people all over the world. He is also well-known for playing Jesse Mach on the 1985 TV series Street Hawk. He was the first actor to portray the Marvel Comics character Daredevil in live action. He is also a singer and a stage actor. In 1979, he released a single from the television movie Sooner or Later titled “You Take My Breath Away” which peaked at number 10 on the “Billboard” Hot 100. The song was included on the platinum-selling Sooner or Later album also named after the movie.

In today’s episode, Rex talks about how he was able to balance acting and his life, his divorce story, his advice to young performers, and what he would do differently as a young star. He also shares his thoughts on why he agreed to act naked in The Washed Out Pop Star, about Solid Gold, his inspiration behind The Greatest Moment, his current projects and who he would have dinner with and why. Tune in for more!

Notable Quotes

(03:37) “Take the leap, do not wait.”

(03:41) “You only get one life, you don’t want to look back and have regrets.”

(03:47) “Always follow your dream, do not ever give up.”

(10:37) “If you want to follow a life in the arts, be prepared for a lot of hardship.”

(16:49) “All fame is fleeting.”

(16:58) “The most important you is the you in between your performance.”

Resources Mentioned

  1. Sunset Boulevard

  2. Solid Gold

Connect with Rex Smith


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Episode 9: Rachel Kylian's Roadmap to Success!


Episode 7: Jeremy Miller's Story of Emancipation at 15